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Yoga, Guided Imagery Meditation, CST, SER, NeuroFeedback, Oh My.. Creative Copes: Episode 11

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

Part Two of alternative medicine and therapeutic approaches begin with Yoga. We discuss breathing, postures and our experience with this technique. There are a lot of benefits to be had, such as increased flexibility, muscle strength and tone, cardiac and circulation health, stress management, mental clarity, body awareness and a centered, calm mind. The physical and emotional body can be nurtured in this practice.

Guided Imagery can help stop a ruminating mind, lower blood pressure, increase mood and encourage positive attitude. Physically, it can help alleviate pain, stress, tension, allow the adrenal glands to work more effectively, and utilize oxygen more efficiently. This is a great no cost option for use practically anywhere.

CranioSacral Therapy and Somato-Emotional Release are discussed. I have utilized this controversial tool, so you can hear about my experience and what you might experience if going to a session for migraines, PTSD, CFS and more. There is a LOT of negative information out there. Please be advised that this is a personal choice, so if it works for you, we greatly cheer you on, and if it doesn't, do NOT give up hope that the right approach will come your way. Skeptics say, "No one can deny that CranioSacral Therapy is relaxing, but then again, so is a nap, and a nap is cheaper". Neurofeedback/Biofeedback is another method that is not largely promoted amongst the mainstream therapy circuit. It is definitely an interesting concept, one that I stuck with for over a full year. Incorporation cognitive behavior therapy with my brain wave activity was eye-opening and extremely validating in "seeing" what i was feeling during my anxious moments. Again, this is a "see for yourself" method and we hope that it may work for you.

There are a lot of coping strategy techniques and valuable information in this episode. More tools to add to your bag of tricks to try or investigate further. We are always seeking ways to feel better. Sometimes, it comes in neat, socially acceptable packages. Other times, it is weird and hokey and crazy sounding. Either way, if you find what works for you, does it really matter what it is called? This a personal choice to do what is best for YOUR body and soul. Good luck out there.

Love and light and all the alternative therapies.... ♥ - Jen




Websites to dive deeper into the places we visited to do our research:


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