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Laughter and Humor - Free, Fun and Better Than Shit Porn. Creative Copes: Season 1, Episode 14

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

We are nearing the final quarter of our first season. We have covered a lot of ground during these first three months, from music and art to yoga and social media. In this episode, we are going to talk about laughter. Having a sense of humor is a beautiful thing, with a ton of great reasons to continue doing it. There are many types of humor, which we break down, from the positive, light side to the dark and sometimes negative side with everything in between. We get to hear about Mita's new scooter, her times as a Swedish Psycho and how her hubs may buy her some "shit porn" soon for her new ride. We learn some fun facts about bodily fluids and the Latin word for moisture.

Discussions about our favorite types of things that tickle our funny bone ensue. Laughter Therapy is a REAL thing and Laughter Yoga is an actual form of exercise. Clowns were mean to Dumbo and laughing can cause you to burn calories and get your body ready for some non-Summertime Sadness. Join us as we giggle our way through this really lighthearted, fun episode. “A good laugh heals a lot of hurts.” -Madeleine L'Engle.

So come and heal with us. Love and giggly light ♥ Jen





Websites to dive deeper into the places we visited to do our research:


Please note: No Copyright infringement is intended. We try our best to give credit where credit is due. If you spot something that was miscredited, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may rectify.

All above photos were provided by Media from Wix, Unsplash and/or Shutterstock


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