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Fibromyalgia, Princess Vespa, & Her Little Gold Teacup. Part 2. Creative Copes: Season 1, Episode 13

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

Welcome back to part two of our Deep Dive into Fibromyalgia. This episode is a day in the life of Mita, on a "good" day and a "not so good" day. We delve into what sleep is (or isn't) like, a morning routine that starts off in slow motion, with limited energy, moderate pain and a wobbliness that just won't quit. Breaking things down into one day is informative, especially for those of us who do not suffer from this debilitating condition, as well as others who do, and have someone to relate to.

We discuss sleep, diet, activities of daily living, pain scales, family and friends, trying to have a social life, managing a household as a parent, adaptations, medications, discrimination and SO MUCH MORE. If you or someone you know and love has been diagnosed with this condition (or maybe are in the process that takes some upwards of ten years to get), then this is the episode for you. It is complex, subjective, dynamic, and limiting. Help us shine some light on this often misunderstood disorder and maybe bring a little more kindness to those who are coping with it. Knowledge is power and we are trying to be raw, open and honest to make this journey feel a little less lonely.

Thank you for encouraging our Deep Dives and for showing us kindness and grace as we open up and expose all our vulnerabilities. Keep talking, as this is the only way to spread awareness and end the stigma. Love and tea cups, Jen ♥


Original art by Mita and her journey through Fibromyalgia. Please do not use/copy without permission or crediting the artist.





Websites to dive deeper into the places we visited to do our research:


Please note: No Copyright infringement is intended. We try our best to give credit where credit is due. If you spot something that was miscredited, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may rectify.

All above photos were provided by Media from Wix, Unsplash and/or Shutterstock


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